I was stuck at $3-4 million in volume for years. Here’s how I broke through to $17 million. My first year in real estate I was rookie of the year. But after that for years I was stuck at 3-4 million in volume. I was constantly trying different things. I didn’t have...
I’ve been a CSM (Client Service Manager) at Relevate for about seven years. I really love working with agents who are ethical and strive to serve their clients. BUT also… these agents are first and foremost, spouses and parents, they MAY have parents to take...
I got into real estate because I had already accomplished everything I could as a teacher, and I was ready to achieve bigger goals. I joined RELEVATE because they are known for turning ambitious new agents into Top Producers and that’s what I wanted to be, as soon as...
Out of all the firms I interviewed with as a newly-licensed agent, Relevate was the only one that could actually lay out a path of training for me in a way that I could understand, and know I was going to get the support, help and training that I needed. Everyone...
I’ve sold an average of $14 million in volume each year since I joined Relevate in 2010. People ask me all the time, “Why do you stay there, why don’t you start your own firm?” Well, because I don’t want to work twice as hard for half the money, that’s why. I learned...
Agents new to Relevate learn to trust us CSMs over time. It’s a lot of communication and us making sure we know how they want things done. We have great checklists, to make sure nothing ever falls through the cracks. At first you’ll want to review everything,...