Hunter Rowe is by far the BEST REAL ESTATE COMPANY in the WORLD

image1When I first got my Real Estate license, I went with a “Big Box” firm as a Buyer’s Agent. It sounded so perfect for someone like me who didn’t know how to get started, much less what I was doing!! The “Big Box” would feed me all these wonderful leads and all I had to do would be to convert them into real buyers. Easy enough, right? I’m good at sales! Well, with ZERO training and just enough guidance to keep me from possibly getting in trouble, I was… six months in, exhausted from the constant phone ringing with FROZEN leads, driving all over the triangle showing people homes they had no intention of buying, broke from the 1.2% commission I was making, and now emotionally and mentally drained from all the effort and rejection. Thankfully, I was on the buyers end of a listing with Mike Regan, owner of Hunter Rowe. I don’t know what they saw in me, but Trinity Gregor set out on a recruiting mission for me. When she first explained to me how Hunter Rowe was different, I didn’t quite understand. It was VERY foreign. But the more she explained, over numerous meetings, the more I realized that this company offered what I needed and wanted most; REAL ESTATE TRAINING, SALES TRAINING, MENTORING, ACCOUNTABILITY, and image2STRUCTURE. I realized that I had everything I needed within my own sphere of influence, friends, family and contacts to be very successful in this business! There are different ways to be successful at our firm. If you are excellent at the “behind the scenes” of real estate and don’t feel comfortable with the uncertainty of a commissioned sales position, you can become a Client Service Manager. Our CSM’s have all the excitement of real estate without the commission structure. They are paid by the hour or salaried. What’s also great is that if you decide you’d like to become a Sales Agent, you can!!! And vice versa…Our company is growing and there is a career path that will probably fit your skill set and vision.
Hunter Rowe offers EXCEPTIONAL training to it’s employees and we have STATE OF ART, IN HOUSE technology that makes conducting my business accurate and efficient. We work by a set of standards that keeps everyone motivated, accountable and productive. There is a TRUE work/life balance here that most Real Estate agents only dream of…once you get off and running, say good-bye to nights and weekends!!
– Jessica Holland