Cam La

Cam La

Cam La Contact Info   About Cam was born in Vietnam and migrated to the states in 1982 when she was a toddler with her entire family. Cam grew up in Milwaukee, WI, and later got married to her husband in 1998. They have 3 beautiful daughters ( Vanessa, 18, Valerie,...
Christine Nguyen

Christine Nguyen

Testimonials Triangle Area Personal Posts Real Estate Christine Nguyen Contact Info   About Christine Nguyen, a Wisconsin native, attended Marquette University. In 1999 she moved to Raleigh. She has owned multiple successful businesses, including restaurants, sports...
Christina Salud

Christina Salud

Christina Salud Contact Info   About I was born and raised in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In 2006, my husband got a job transfer to North Carolina. That is the reason why we relocated. Back home I have always worked in an office as a secretary. My last job was at...