Tip #3: Do these easy things

by | Feb 8, 2020

Here are a list of low-cost easy home improvements which will pay for themselves many times over:

  • Clean every inch of your home. Get help if you need it.
  • Spread new mulch. Use dark brown “triple-shredded stained bark.” The stain keeps it looking better much longer. Pine straw is cheaper but it also looks cheaper.
  • Plant many, many flowers. More than you think you need. Flowers may be the single best investment you can make to sell your home.
  • Remove clutter. Remove personal pictures. Remove everything from horizontal surfaces except a few decorations.
  • Remove window treatments. Leave blinds.
  • Remove basketball goals, play sets, and tree houses. These will turn some people off, and no one will ever say “I would have bought that home if only it had a basketball goal.” If you have a flat driveway they can install one themselves. Especially remove trampolines. They make many mothers nervous.deep-clean-stove-getty_a4263371c785b545e09c20796f4dc13b_3x2

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