Aug 19, 2014

3 Things You Can Do for Your Favorite Agent



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Write a thank you to your agent to express your appreciation

Write a thank you to your agent to express your appreciation

3 Things You Can Do for Your Favorite Agent

Ever wanted to express your gratitude to your realtor after having a wonderful experience selling or buying a home?   Everyone needs encouragement and a pat on the back, even your favorite agent. Gifts and gift cards are nice and very much appreciated, but there is something more valuable that your agent would prefer.   I have 3 easy suggestions that will mean the world to them.


  1. Express what an awesome job he did for you. Nothing is more important to an agent than hearing directly from a customer, especially a satisfied one. Write him a thank you note, or comment on their blog, Facebook page, or twitter. Those accolades mean a lot and are great testimonies for future clients.
  2. Join their team. Talk about them daily to people you meet and refer them as often as you can. Statistically, one in ten referrals will call about buying or selling. Talk it up!
  3. Put your great testimony down on paper, or email, and allow the agent to use it on her website. Written testimony from local satisfied customers carry a lot of weight with new clients.

From personal experience, I would like to emphasize the importance of the third point.  Nothing means more to me than seeing your testimonial in writing.  I love sharing with potential clients how much you enjoyed your experience with Hunter Rowe Real Estate.  Taking the time to write down your thoughts is invaluable.  Our business flourishes on referrals! Please comment on this site or email me with your thoughts.  As always, I would love to hear from you!

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