Five NEW Agents that FAILED at Relevate… and Five that Succeeded Brilliantly

by | Sep 15, 2023

This blog is for new-to-real-estate and “restart” agents who are thinking, maybe Relevate Real Estate is for me. Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t. Relevate is built for top producing agents (that means $10M+ in volume, or about 30 close sales annually) and for high quality new agents who we believe have the ability and the determination to become top producing agents within two years.

News flash… We’re not always right about who will make it. It’s definitely not for lack of explaining what it will take to succeed. But sometimes neither we, nor they, know what it will truly be like for them individually until they are in the middle of it. Stay tuned for brief stories of five new agents who succeeded brilliantly at Relevate… and five who did not.

Hi, I’m Mike Regan, founder and CEO of Relevate Real Estate. I’m going to tell you right from the top, Relevate is perfect for some agents and not perfect for others. My only priority in this blog post is to give you straightforward information to help you make the best decisions for your real estate career.

All the stories I’m about to share with you are true. But, I won’t use real names for the success stories because we don’t want just anyone calling and bugging our top producers. They’ve told me they’ll be glad to talk with anyone who is ready to join Relevate but who just needs verification that all we are saying is true.

I also won’t use real names for those who did not succeed because we don’t want to embarrass them. They’re all great people, it’s just that either Relevate, or real estate, was not the right place for them.


Five New-to-Real-Estate Agents Who Succeeded at Relevate, and Why


Amanda had previously done well working as an onsite sales agent, but wanted to get into general brokerage. She was attracted to Relevate because of our emphasis on systems and processes, and because she wanted support so that once she got busy, she’d be able to have a life with her family. She paid very close attention to all the training and worked our system diligently as her full-time job. She’s also an extremely professional and mature person who is kind to everyone. She sold $9.3 million her first year and $13.3 million in her second. During COVID she bought a conversion van and traveled the country with her family, never missing a beat in her real estate business thanks to the help of the Relevate Client Service Manager support team.


Linda was an award-winning school teacher before she decided she wanted to grow her own business and be her own boss. She learned about Relevate from another Relevate agent she was very close to, and decided it would be the best place to launch her real estate career. She jumped in and worked very hard to learn and apply every part of our process, and as a result she sold over $10 million within her first 14 months. In her second year she sold $19.9 million. She is on track to close $26 million in this, her third year.  


Jeff was a leader in a local church, and was also referred to Relevate by a friend who had been very successful here as a new agent here. He paid close attention to everything he learned, was very professional, and very coachable. He sold $6.4 million his first year, and $13.3 million his second year. He is on track to sell over $17 million this year.


Brian was an ex-marine with a wife and three young children. He actually took out a $40,000 personal loan at the beginning of his career so he could pay his bills while he grew his business. He did everything right, achieved $10 million in sales during his second year, and paid back his loan. He’s been doing great ever since.


Alexandra was in pharmaceutical sales when she decided to switch careers and joined Relevate. She was very professional in everything she did and treated real estate like a full-time job, working regular hours and applying herself fully every day. She sold $6.3 million her first year, $16 million her second year, and is on track for $28 million this year.

A Note About Take-Home Income

I quoted a lot of numbers about volume in these examples. Here is a table showing approximate take-home income (after all expenses) Relevate Agents earned at each level of volume in 2022:


What Does It Take to Be Successful at Relevate?

There are four things all successful Relevate agents have in common. They:

      • treated their real estate career like a full time job
      • were humble and coachable and learned and followed our processes to the letter
      • were highly professional and mature, and
      • they were more interested in being respected than liked, so they didn’t hesitate to ask for referrals 

We’ve never had an agent with those characteristics fail to become a top producer at Relevate.


Five New-to-Real-Estate Agents Who Did Not Succeed at Relevate, and Why


Renee is a really nice person who unfortunately turned out to be socially awkward and people did not feel comfortable around her. She worked our system for about eight months, and received very few referrals. Her coach eventually told her they didn’t think being a real estate agent was exactly the right career for her. She agreed and is now doing well in a technical support career.


Roger paid attention, worked hard, and sold $4M his first year. However, his efforts to grow his sphere of influence stalled out at 48 people, and he felt very shy about meeting new people or asking for referrals. His second year started out very slow, and he left Relevate to work with a firm that gives leads to agents in exchange for a large portion of the commission.


Paul was late or no-showed for several training sessions, calendar invitations for which he had accepted. We asked him what was happening and he always had reasons (excuses). We told him if he couldn’t respect the time of his coaches by being on time, it wouldn’t work for us. He promised he would, then he continued being late and missing. We set him free to pursue other opportunities.


Jackie was a paralegal and wanted to change careers. She joined us and was enthusiastic about training. From what we saw, she seemed to be serious about growing her business. However, she did not dress professionally.  She always looked like she had either just been at the gym or was too busy to get ready in the morning. Later we learned she was still working full time hours  out of her home online, as a paralegal. We reminded her that we only accept agents who do not have another job. She decided to stick with being a paralegal and not pursue real estate.


Janice was a very social person who seemed to know everyone. In her first few months she marked over 200 people in our CRM software as members of her sphere of influence, but after nine months she had received very few referrals. It turned out that she was very hesitant to ask anyone for business, and that many of the 200 people didn’t know she was a real estate agent. They just thought she was a very friendly person. We tried to coach her to be more direct with them about her business, but she just couldn’t do it and she left to join a team that gave her leads.


What Causes New and Restart Agents to Not Be Successful at Relevate?

Common issues we see with agents who do not succeed at Relevate include

    • Not treating their real estate career as their only full-time job
    • Being shy about asking for referrals
    • Not being professional with regard to being on time and dressing appropriately, and
    • Unfortunately, not having the ability to gain the trust of the people they interact with

Neither Relevate nor Real Estate is Right for Everyone

To be a successful agent anywhere, you’ll need to be professionally mature and have the ability to gain the trust of the people you interact with. Relevate especially requires full time effort and a willingness to learn and follow a proven system.

I hope these examples have been super helpful for you to decide if Relevate and/or real estate is right for you. If you are an agent in the Triangle Area of North Carolina area and you’d like to visit with us to learn more about Relevate Real Estate, click HERE to set up a time to talk with us.


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