Aaron Gallagher

Aaron Gallagher

Aaron Gallagher FreeandEasyGuitar.com Aaron@ACMusicGroup.com Five years ago I started FreeandEasyGuitar.com, a website that provides free video guitar lessons to the public. To date, we’ve delivered 50 million guitar lessons to visitors in 110 countries. Satisfied...
James Forrest

James Forrest

James R. Forrest Attorney at Law Forrest Firm, P.C. forrestfirm.com | 919-313-4707 james@forrestfirm.com Technically, I first moved to the Triangle from rural Rowan County in 1996 to attend UNC. After I completed law school, my wife Julie, a fellow Tarheel, and I...
Jen Ferris

Jen Ferris

Jen Ferris Ferris Creative Media jenniferwferris@gmail.com 919-928-3497 ferriscreativemedia.com I love living in Chapel Hill! My children thrive here, and I’m able to run a successful business while balancing my time with volunteering for causes I love. We moved here...
Matthew Earley

Matthew Earley

Matthew Earley Security Consultant, CPI Security Systems 919-954-1010 cpisecurity.com I moved to the Triangle to be closer to my girlfriend, who was in law school at the time, and to pursue a career path in the professional world. I had just finished college and was...

Jim Enright

Jim Enright Corporate Investors Mortgage Group 919-451-0864 (c) | 919-569-5980 (24/7) www.MortgageChoice.com | jenright@cimginc.com | www.YouTube.com/JimEnright2 I moved to the Triangle after visiting friends who were attending the University of North Carolina at...
Chris Evans

Chris Evans

Chris Evans Entrepreneur in Residence at the Blackstone Entrepreneur Network 919-786-0114 I moved to the Triangle in 1980 when my dad took a new job here. We arrived just before I started high school and I was part of the very first class to attend Enloe Magnet...